Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We miss you Nora!

On the last day of term we were very happy to receive an email from Nora! We wrote her back straight away and sent her this photo as well. Here is the email we wrote:

Dear Nora,

We miss you heaps! We were so excited to get your email!!! Mrs Naik tried to surprise us BUT she gave it away by mistake!!

Amy and Mia are SOOO LUCKY to be seeing you soon, they are bringing you some cards that we have made.

We loved looking at your photos, it looks like you are having so much fun! There is a photo of you in Japan and it looks like you have something on your head, what is it?

We have so many questions to ask you about your life in Germany!

1. Who are your best friends?
2. Is the bottom photo a picture of your school?
3. When you went to Japan did you learn any Japanese?
4. Who is your teacher is she/he nice (Or is she/he like the Trunchbull!?)?
5. How long did you stay in Japan?

It's a pity you missed watching Matilda with us, we had buttery popcorn and we all wished you were with us! We all want to come to Germany and visit you now! Maybe we can try to squeeze into Amy and Mia's suitcase!

Maybe after the holidays we can arrange to SKYPE with you?

We hope to hear from you soon,

Love from everyone in room 9.

1 comment:

  1. Samantha (Olivia's sister)July 17, 2012 at 5:16 PM

    I would LOVE to get an email like that. I think Nora will be very happy to receive it.
